• Anders Burla Johansen

    CEO @ Tea Solutions

How we scored 100 in Google PageSpeed Insights

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My session title pretty must say it all- “How we scored 100 in Google PageSpeed Insights”. It’s a session about the journey from a low scoring website and what steps we took to get the “perfect” 100 score. Along the way, I will share the developer techniques used for each step towards a higher score – from the easy steps to the more hardcore ones. I will talk about the process using our own website teasolutions.dk - and the website of fakta

Target audience: Technical

Level: Intermediate

About the speaker:

Anders Burla is a developer and the CEO of Tea Solutions, a Danish web agency that Anders started 10 years ago. Anders has been using Umbraco since version 3. He loves to travel and meet people from the Umbraco community.