Getting official Umbraco skills doesn't get cheaper than this!

Got your Codegarden ticket? Sweet! Now you’re in for another treat (yes!).


Drum roll, please… a Codegarden ticket holder, we offer you a 33 % (!) discount on the Umbraco Searching and Indexing course, that’ll take place a day before Codegarden, May 22nd in Odense!


So with the same trip to Odense you not only get to participate in the biggest Umbraco extravaganza in the world, you can also up your skills at on official Umbraco certification course (perhaps even finally earn that Umbraco Master title? 😉)


Some practicalities:


Date: May 22, 2018

Time: 9:00 - 16:00

Location: Odense, Denmark

Venue: Seebladsgade 1, 5000 Odense (8 min walking distance from Umbraco HQ & 12 min from Codegarden venue)

And now just go ahead (if you've got that CG18 ticket, of course) - 
this is the link you need to click, and then you are good to go with the whopping 33% discount:


Book CG18 Search Course here >>


The Searching and Indexing course

Learn how to build search functionality with Examine and, but also think beyond the search box. Optimise the search function on your, or your client’s, website, making it a breeze for the visitors to find relevant content. Good for them and certainly good for you. 

Course Topics:

By the end of the course, attendees will be able to:

Book your seat with 33% discount >>


Pssst… an extra cherry on top - after you’re done with the course on the 22nd of May, you can come and chillax at Umbraco HQ at the legendary Codegarden Pre-Party (starts at 19.30) and recharge with good energy for the big Codegarden kick-off the following day ❤️