• Lars-Erik Aabech

Workshop: Umbraco Unit Testing

Session topics: Unit Testing

Target Audience: Developers

Not a beginner's workshops:
 Some experience with Unit Testing
 Visual Studio 2017 or higher
 + Node.js
 + NPM Task Runner (Visual Studio extension)
 + RazorGenerator (Visual Studio extension)
Bring laptop


Unit Testing is a discipline many developers strive to master. It can yield massive ROI when done right. Testing Umbraco, however, provides additional challenges. This workshop will give you the knowledge and tools you need to overcome these challenges. We’ll dive into NUnit, Moq, Umbraco’s own tests and finally some JavaScript tests for the back office.


Practical information for the workshop attendees:

Day: Thursday 24 May
Start time: 13:15
End time: 17:00
Location: Room B1.09, Erhvervsakademiet Lillebælt (EAL), Seebladsgade 1, 5000 Odense
Transportation between CG venue and classroom: A shuttle bus will be available outside of the conference venue to take all attendees to the classroom.
Pick-up time from CG venue: 12:30
Pick-up time back to CG venue: 17:15


These people already booked their seat at the workshop

Lennard Fonteijn
Tor-Erik Klausen
Andrew Hawken
Asbjørn Rune Riis-Knudsen
Frans Lammers
Torben Nygaard
Poul Nielsen
Gunnar Már Óttarsson
Kasper Holm
Jan de Groot
david van de vliet
Johan Reitsma
Marcel Hogenstein
Barry Fogarty
Tom Madden
Tom Steer
Adam Prendergast
David Dimmer
Mark Bowser
Andy Felton
David Guijarro
Dave Pearcey
Milos Jeremic
Paul Seal
Andy Watt
Viktor Ekholm
Nikolaj Weber

Workshop full