• Sofie Toft Kristensen

    Support Warrior @ Umbraco HQ

Sofie’s Docs Diary: Origins

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We all know the feeling of being put in front of a major task: At first, it seems completely inconceivable and overwhelming, and you want to do everything all at once. Then you start working with it - starting small, structuring your work - and after the first couple of solved tasks, everything starts to look much clearer and you see light at the end of the tunnel. Suddenly you feel very motivated and you are completely engulfed in the project.
Okay, that might be a bit overrated. Taking on the task of updating the Umbraco Documentation has been a big task, but it’s also been a great experience.
I look forward to tell you all about how I started out, and the journey it’s been getting the Umbraco Documentation back under control. It was running a bit wild there at one point!

Target audience: General

Level: Introductory to Intermediate

About the speaker:

Sofie is a Support Warrior at Umbraco HQ. Since she started in December 2016 she’s primarily been working with our customers and helping out in our support channels. In August last year, she also started working on updating the Umbraco Documentation.