• Thomas Martinsen

    CEO @ Bluefragments
  • Kenneth Voss

    ‎Senior Web Developer @ Bluefragments

Intelligent Bots with Headless Umbraco

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In this talk, we're going to deep-dive into how to use headless Umbraco as the backbone of intelligent chatbots.

We will use and demonstrate a range of different popular AI tools to ensure that we're actually having an intelligent chatbot as well as demonstrate how Umbraco actually fits perfectly into some of these tools.

Target audience: Technical

Level: Introductory-Intermediate

About the speakers:

Thomas Martinsen has helped many companies get started with AI. With a technical background and a considerable experience, Thomas has provided a lot of helpful insight into how many companies can use the rich possibilities of AI. In his talks, Thomas uses the insights from real-world cases to create some perspective on the technical subjects.

Kenneth Voss is a skilled web developer with a strong passion for javascript, ML & AI, and a solid background in working with Umbraco.