• Pete Duncanson

    Managing Director @ Offroadcode Limited

Back office speed hacks

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As developers we pride ourselves on build fast websites that are a joy to use, but what about the main tool we built that website around? We took our love of making things "fast enough" and targeted it on the back office. We highlight some of the issues we found, offer a hit list of things you can implement straight away and some that you might have to wait for the next upgrade until you get. All of this has the net result of making the back office faster, smoother and a more efficient place to be for editors and developers.

Target audience: Technical

Level: Intermediate

About the speaker: 

With 20+ years of development under his belt Pete has rightly earned the 1000 yard stare as a veteran developer with an interest in learning new things but in a pragmatic way. He founded and runs the Offroadcode, the friendly Umbraco Gold Partner with a smile in Huddersfield England with a small bunch of awesome and funny developers he likes to call friends. He’s talked at many Umbraco conferences before and loves to do so and is honoured to have been to the Codegarden retreat two years in a row. Grab a beer, sit back and enjoy.